Sunday, June 27, 2010

Israel US relations in Crisis

I saw an interesting article in of all places, The Guardian from the UK, entitled
"Israel-US relations rocked by 'tectonic rift' Israel's ambassador to Washington says situation has 'moved beyond a crisis that eventually passes'." Quotes from the article, and my comments are below.

Relations between Israel and its staunchest ally, the US, have suffered a "tectonic rift", according to Israel's ambassador to Washington.

Michael Oren briefed Israeli diplomats on the sharp deterioration between the countries ahead of Israeli prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu's visit to the White House early next month.

According to those present, Oren said the situation had moved beyond a crisis that eventually passes. "There is no crisis in Israel-US relations because in a crisis there are ups and downs," he told the diplomats in Jerusalem. "Relations are in the state of a tectonic rift in which continents are drifting apart."

Of course they have. Obama is an anti-semitic, anti-Israel fanatic. We have to face the fact that there is no reason to continue to try to reason with Obama. He wants to destroy Israel. Why do I say that? His actions prove it. What so many Jews and other people as well, fall down on is listening to his words and not observing his actions. Words are cheap. Words mean NOTHING, if not followed up by actions. AIPAC and the rest of the pro-Israel crowd got taken in by Obama's words, but never actually faced his 20 year history of anti-zionist connections and activities. Israel needs to simply take the actions that are in its best interests, end of story.

Oren said President Barack Obama made judgments about Israel on the basis of cold calculation in contrast to predecessors George W Bush and Bill Clinton, who were motivated by historical and ideological factors. He suggested that Obama was less likely to be influenced by pro-Israel supporters inside or outside the White House. "This is a one-man show," he was quoted as saying.

In other words, Obama is willing to sacrifice the safety of Israel in order to please the international community. Obama in this respect is similar to Neville Chamberlain. Neville was willing to sacrifice Czechoslovakia in order to achieve "peace" with Adolf Hitler. We all know how well that worked out, 60 million dead. All could have been saved if Chamberlain and the rest of the Europeans did what they should have done, which is bomb the German military into the stone age when they started making aggressive motions towards their neighbors. Yes, tens of thousands would have died. But this would have saved the lives of tens of millions.

It is the same with Obama. He is so worried about the opinion of the international community, he is willing to sacrifice the safety of millions of people, in his desire to appease the Islamic world. Unfortunately, for Obama and his advisers and the rest of the world, if Israel goes down, we all go down. The Islamic terrorists that Israel fights have said time and time again, that their target is not only the Jewish state, but it is also the entire Christian world. In other words, first Saturday and then Sunday. The plan is to first kill the Jews, the Saturday people and then go after the Christians, the Sunday people and EVERY OTHER non-Muslim. Muslims who support human rights, who are not extremists will also be targeted. I have read interviews with Palestinian terrorists where they say this exact thing. They are very clear about this in their writing and speeches in Arabic. Yet so many in our government don't do the common sense thing and simply listen to what they say. This shows what a low IQ in fact these people have. So it is very foolish to try to appease them.

The agenda of next week's meeting is unlikely to prove painless for Netanyahu. As well as discussing the flotilla debacle, Obama is expected to press for further action to allow imports, exports and people to move more freely to and from Gaza. In addition, Obama is expected to again raise the vexed issue of settlement construction. The 10-month partial freeze, wrung out of Netanyahu after months of pressure and negotiation, is due to end in late September.

It would be suicide for Israel to agree to this. They need to stand firm against Obama and the other jew haters in his administration. Any imports that are allowed will be used to prop up the Hamas terrorist regime. Increased freedom of movement means more freedom for terrorists to attack Israel.

As to settlements, the fact that this is even being discussed shows how much the "international community" and specifically the Obama administration hates Jews. As I have said before, I'm not Jewish, but I have friends that are Jewish and I think it is extremely bigoted and racist to not allow people, solely because of their ethnic background to live in a certain area. And that is what Obama and much of the "international community" stands for. Discriminating against people because of their ethnic background and religious beliefs which is, simply disgusting. My belief is that as long as a person is loyal to Israel as a Jewish state, is not a terrorist and doesn't support any terrorist organizations, as long as they are not a security threat and are a citizen of Israel, they should be free to live where they want to live.

And as much as the Palestinians love to cry about discrimination, as a group, they are far, far more racist than the Jews are. That is one of many reasons I support Israel and the Jews over the Palestinians. I have watched Palestinian authority TV and it is just hate from beginning to end. Hate blacks, hate Jews, hate Kurds, hate Americans, kill Americans, kill Jews. And every once in a while, a statement of support for the president of Sudan who, backed by the Arab world, is killing and enslaving blacks. And this is what the "moderate" Palestinian Authority supports. Enslaving blacks, killing blacks, killing Jews, killing Americans. These are the values these people have. Am I talking about every single one. No, absolutely not. There are some that don't. But the majority do. And their leaders certainly do. So before the Palestinians and other Arabs start crying about racism, they need to clean up their own house. They need to stop hating blacks, hating Jews, hating Americans, hating other people. They need to realize that just because someone is an Arab Muslim, it doesn't mean that they are superior to everybody else. And when the Arabs actually stop their own racism, then MAYBE I'll listen to their complaints.

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