Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Importance of Human Life

My belief is that every life is precious, from the unborn child in the womb to the disabled child, to the poor mother, to the mentally ill, to the elderly. All life is precious. We must do what we can to protect human life which is a gift.

And this brings me to one of many reasons I can never be a leftist. Leftist policies result in the destruction of human life. Whether their foreign policy ideas to their point of view on health care which the demand include abortion on demand, the common denominator is destruction of human life.

You look at the promotion of Planned Parenthood clinics on practically every city block in black and Latino areas, yet there are nearly no clinics in the "good" areas that are primarily Caucasian. Millions of black babies have been aborted but this is not enough for these people. Instead of common sense solutions, such as teaching children in school to NOT have sex outside of a serious relationship, they actually encourage this behavior, which results in pregnancies and many of these unplanned pregnancies result in abortions. I personally hate abortion, but on the other hand, I don't want women dying in illegal abortions. We really need to work towards a change in the Black and Latino cultures so that girls and boys have a moral backbone and aren't engaging in casual sexual relationships that result in unwanted pregnancies but liberals would never agree to such a thing. Because they want to keep from offending young people by encouraging them to not have casual sexual relations, they doom the community to countless abortions.

Now we will move onto wars. "Progressives" love to say that conservatives are warmongers. And granted, there are some conservatives who are. There are some conservatives who don't care about killing people who are different. This is unfortunate. But the good news is my experience, is that these people are in the minority.

But what the liberals never want to talk about, is that their policies CREATE and LEAD to wars. That is what they never want to face. President Jimmy Carter's leftist, weak, insane foreign policy is fully responsible for the situation we face today in Iran. Carter has the blood of millions of Persians and others on his hands. How could this be, you might say. The Shah of Iran, while flawed and imperfect was a United States ally. The Shah was FAR, FAR better than the Ayatollah. The CIA, during the Presidency of Jimmy Carter, betrayed the Shah and allowed the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini to step in and overthrow him. Despite many opportunities to assassinate the Ayatollah, he refused to do so. He, like many Leftists at the time, viewed the Ayatollah as someone who would bring justice to the Persians who had been suffering under the Shah. And the fact is, the Shah and his men did commit many horrible abuses of human rights. And because of those human rights abuses, the leftists believed that the Ayatollah as a saint. He was praised in liberal publications such as the New York Times, the euro-progressives supported him. Because of course, anyone who hated America and the Shah was perfect in their eyes.

Fast forward 30 years. Tens of millions of people, including millions of children, have been killed by the Islamic regime. These are people who were killed in the Iran Iraq War. These are people killed outright, for disagreeing with the regime. So, the question is, who should have been supported. The Shah, who killed a few thousand people or the Islamic regime that has been responsible for, directly or indirectly for the deaths of millions. The Islamic regime which has stated that they are willing to bring about the deaths of every man, woman and child in Iran, in order to bring about "victory for Allah." Whatever that means. They are insane religious fanatics. They could have easily been stopped. The deaths of a few HUNDRED people could have saved the lives of MILLIONS of people. Yet the international left would prefer the option that results in the deaths of millions. Today we are looking at the strong prospect of a war with Iran, brought about by the failure of Jimmy Carter to order the CIA to kill a relative handful of people. The deaths of the Ayatollah and his circle would have saved us from this situation. But no, we can't do something like that, because that projects America's strength and in the mind of the left wing wackos, that is unacceptable.

That is the real problem with progressives. They never look at the long term effects of the policies they promote. They are missing the ability to see the long term results of their actions and their positions. They are missing the ability to predict consequences for their, for the most part, foolish and naive policies.