I am so happy and excited that the Republicans have swept to victory in the US midterms. This is a strong rebuke to Obama's behavior over the last two years and will, if the Republicans are conservatives, act as a roadblock in Obama's push to turn America into a European style socialist state.
Now that the Republicans have won, it is important that they, at least for the most part, keep the promises they made on the campaign trail. They need to work to cut government, cut taxes and therefore get the economy moving in a positive direction.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
The Blame Game
As I have said before, my ideas regarding the middle east are close to those of one of my biggest influences, the Muslim hero, Dr. Tawfik Hamid, who I deeply admire and several other "renegade" Arab Muslims and Arab Christians. In fact, a lot of my passion about the subject comes from having read the writings of people such as Dr. Hamid, as I said before, Brigitte Gabriel, Kameel Saleem and others. The bottom line is that the hatred that so many Arab Muslims have towards Jews and Christians hurts us, but to a much greater extent it hurts the Muslims themselves. As I have said many times before, I do not hate Muslims. I do hate the sin that is being done in the name of this religion but this hatred is towards the sin and not the sinner.
Some months ago, I read a book called Cruel and Usual Punishment by Nonnie Darwish. I am a strong man, but there were parts of this book, where she went into the suffering of the Arab Muslim people, which made me almost cry. She talked about how, in the name of Islam, rich Muslim countries refused to do anything for other poor Muslims who were poor and suffering. In an era where far too many Muslims struggle, hungry, without a consistent source of clean drinking water, rich Islamic countries, like Saudi Arabia donate barely any money towards helping other Muslims. I read about Muslim women being beaten and treated like trash in the name of Islam. Of Muslim women being killed simply because they were the victim of sexual attacks by men. All in the name of Shariah, Islamic law. And from my earlier studies, I know that these kinds of abuses are the tip of the iceberg. Whenever Islamic law rules, there is human suffering and injustice. And that is why I oppose it. I read the Islamic press, I watch Arab language broadcasts, and instead of tackling the root cause of these problems, radical Islam and extremist Islamic laws, dictators and corrupt Arab princes, they blame the Christians and Jews. That may be satisfying for a minute, to believe that your suffering is due to Israel or the United States, but in the long run it is simply a lie which permits oppression to continue, since if the root cause of something is not faced, it will continue to exist.
For example, let's say that a person doesn't have a job and therefore doesn't have any money. Instead of developing skills and getting a job, they decide to blame, for example, German people for their lack of a money. The person might feel good for a while being able to blame Germans for his situation, but in the long run, the situation will not resolve because the root of the problem is not Germans, it is the fact that the person doesn't have a job. And until the person confronts the fact that they don't have a job and need a job in order to get money, they will continue for a long time with no money. In fact, they can go on for decades, with the false idea that the reason they don't have any money is due to Germans. But thinking this, talking about this will never solve the problem. Only getting a job will ultimately solve the problem of not having money. However, let's say they never came to his realization, and they got really angry with these German people and even killed some of them, simply because he didn't have any money and expected that G-d would reward him, give him some money if he killed Germans. Why obviously, since these actions are not aimed at getting a job, the jobless condition will continue to exist and the person will continue to be poor. Until the real reason for the lack of money is confronted, which is not having a job, the problem will continue to exist. If this person has a friend, the friend needs to clearly and consistently tell him that his irrational obsession with Germans is in fact an irrational, insane obsession and in order to get money they need to stop blaming others and get to work.
And that is my point of view when it comes to the Arab world. All of this blame of Israel and the United States does not make the Arab world more successful. All the blame in the world will not feed hungry Muslims in Darfur. It will not give clean drinking water to all of the desperately poor Muslims throughout the Islamic world that don't have access to clean drinking water. A true friend of the Arab people will point this out and get them to look at what they can do to resolve their own issues instead of joining into their blame game which may feel good but doesn't really solve anything.
And for the record, I feel the exact same way about my fellow black people. We as a community do the same thing as the Arabs, but to a lesser extant. We are always blaming this one, blaming that one for our own situation, but we never look at what we can do ourselves to resolve our condition. For example, we have a situation today where 70% of black babies are born out of wedlock. These babies are statistically, less likely to succeed and more likely to be poor than babies born to a married couple. They are less likely to go to college. They are more likely to be poor. Yet we demand endless government programs to resolve something which can, in actual fact, be resolved by simply following biblical values and abandoning leftist "values" promoted in large part by social workers, psychologists and psychiatrists. The anything goes culture, where a girl is "sexually free" to have sex with however many guys she wants is not the right path. The idea, avidly promoted by many so-called mental health professionals, that teenagers have the right to explore their sexual barriers free from any sort of parental morality is in actual fact, not good for the black community and does not lead to good mental health.
We look at the poor state of our communities, we are angry about our representation, but what do we do? We vote for the liberals, the same people who introduced these destructive ideas into our community in the first place. We fight the conservatives who promote solutions that really will help resolve the issues that we are facing. But we can't accept the ideas because it comes from "racist" Republicans, despite the fact that a higher number of Republicans voted for the civil rights act than Democrats. Despite the fact that the leftist ideas, that the Democratic party avidly promotes, have only harmed the black community.
And then our so called leaders, instead of confronting real issues in our community, such as the appalling number of black men in prison, the out of wedlock births or the large number of our young people on drugs, spend endless amounts of time blaming Jews, White people, Republicans or the government. And this is completely counter-productive and a waste of time. That energy needs to be focused on taking advantage of the programs that we already have and working to put back together the black family for starters. We need to work to instill moral values in our young people. We should demand that instead of children studying the latest anything goes philosophy from some leftist psychologist, who says that parents should not "repress" children by disciplining them, they should spend that time becoming more familiar with religious moral values, starting with the ten commandments. Instead of teaching them deviant sexuality in school, how about teaching them how to take care of children and hold together a family. Teach them the value of saving sex for a committed relationship. It is funny, so many children know everything about abortion, they know about homosexuality, they know various sexual positions. They know that it is "normal" to have lots of sexual partners. But they don't know the basics of taking care of children. They don't know the slightest bit about maintaining a successful relationship. They can't get a job because they read way below grade level. The are behind grade level in their other subjects. Why aren't the succeeding? Because most black children go to absolutely awful schools, staffed by, for the most part, inadequate teachers that have no fear of being fired because of teachers unions which are the biggest thing that prevents change in the education system. Yet election after election, blacks vote for Democrats, the very same people that support these failing teachers and this situation that keeps us down. These Democrats and our so-called Black leaders are constant opponents of things, such as school choice, which would help children move out of these failing schools and get a real education. Yet the black community votes for politicians that are against this time and time again.
And the Jews? Some of them do the same thing. From some on the Israeli right, I hear constant noises about the Arabs. The Arabs this and the Arabs that. The Arabs are responsible for everything bad that his happening. Blah, blah, blah. And yet, I hear a curious silence when it comes to the actions of the anti-Zionist Jews, like George Soros who are actually worse, in my book, than some of the Muslim anti-Semites like Louis Farrakhan. Farrakhan is not generally believed, but Soros, who has much of the same point of view, vis-a-vis Israel as Farrakhan, is believed. And there is the matter of money, Soros is a billionaire, yet Farrakhan lives off handouts from the Muslim world. I could go on and on for pages about this. The biggest thing that Jews are not facing is the fact that they think that they are only in a war against the Palestinians, when in fact, while they are in a war against Hamas and other Palestinian terrorist groups, they are also in a war against the anti-Zionist Jews and self-hating Jews in their midst. And frankly the former war would have long since been won and be over if it weren't for this second, civil war, the war of ideas within the Jewish community. The war between Jews who want to live and Jews who want to die. Of Jews who love Israel, and of Jews, like Soros, who would be happy or wouldn't care if it were destroyed. That is the biggest war they are fighting, yet the Israeli right doesn't focus anywhere near enough on this war. This has gotten so crazy that a Jewish professor in Israel, in Tel Aviv university, openly consorts with neo-Nazis and spreads Nazi propoganda, yet he continues to be funded by the state and keeps his position teaching. The only word for this is insane and suicidal. Yet all we hear about is the Arabs. Yes., there are some Arabs who are bad, as I have amply described in my many posts on the subject. But as I have also said, there are many wonderful Arab people, the majority are in fact good people and I'm sure would be peaceful if they weren't raised with such religious and racial hatred towards other people. Even with all of that propoganda, you do have people who reject it. The statement by some on the right, that all Arabs are bad, is just frankly false and non-productive. You can blame other groups forever, but sometimes it is necessary, when resolving a situation, to also look at your own group and handle people within it as well.
So,the blame game, whatever you are blaming, may feel good, but in the long run it doesn't lead to an actual resolution of the situation. The only real way to solve these kinds of problems is to look at what you can do to resolve problems that you run into and work towards a resolution, instead of simply blaming other people or other groups.
Some months ago, I read a book called Cruel and Usual Punishment by Nonnie Darwish. I am a strong man, but there were parts of this book, where she went into the suffering of the Arab Muslim people, which made me almost cry. She talked about how, in the name of Islam, rich Muslim countries refused to do anything for other poor Muslims who were poor and suffering. In an era where far too many Muslims struggle, hungry, without a consistent source of clean drinking water, rich Islamic countries, like Saudi Arabia donate barely any money towards helping other Muslims. I read about Muslim women being beaten and treated like trash in the name of Islam. Of Muslim women being killed simply because they were the victim of sexual attacks by men. All in the name of Shariah, Islamic law. And from my earlier studies, I know that these kinds of abuses are the tip of the iceberg. Whenever Islamic law rules, there is human suffering and injustice. And that is why I oppose it. I read the Islamic press, I watch Arab language broadcasts, and instead of tackling the root cause of these problems, radical Islam and extremist Islamic laws, dictators and corrupt Arab princes, they blame the Christians and Jews. That may be satisfying for a minute, to believe that your suffering is due to Israel or the United States, but in the long run it is simply a lie which permits oppression to continue, since if the root cause of something is not faced, it will continue to exist.
For example, let's say that a person doesn't have a job and therefore doesn't have any money. Instead of developing skills and getting a job, they decide to blame, for example, German people for their lack of a money. The person might feel good for a while being able to blame Germans for his situation, but in the long run, the situation will not resolve because the root of the problem is not Germans, it is the fact that the person doesn't have a job. And until the person confronts the fact that they don't have a job and need a job in order to get money, they will continue for a long time with no money. In fact, they can go on for decades, with the false idea that the reason they don't have any money is due to Germans. But thinking this, talking about this will never solve the problem. Only getting a job will ultimately solve the problem of not having money. However, let's say they never came to his realization, and they got really angry with these German people and even killed some of them, simply because he didn't have any money and expected that G-d would reward him, give him some money if he killed Germans. Why obviously, since these actions are not aimed at getting a job, the jobless condition will continue to exist and the person will continue to be poor. Until the real reason for the lack of money is confronted, which is not having a job, the problem will continue to exist. If this person has a friend, the friend needs to clearly and consistently tell him that his irrational obsession with Germans is in fact an irrational, insane obsession and in order to get money they need to stop blaming others and get to work.
And that is my point of view when it comes to the Arab world. All of this blame of Israel and the United States does not make the Arab world more successful. All the blame in the world will not feed hungry Muslims in Darfur. It will not give clean drinking water to all of the desperately poor Muslims throughout the Islamic world that don't have access to clean drinking water. A true friend of the Arab people will point this out and get them to look at what they can do to resolve their own issues instead of joining into their blame game which may feel good but doesn't really solve anything.
And for the record, I feel the exact same way about my fellow black people. We as a community do the same thing as the Arabs, but to a lesser extant. We are always blaming this one, blaming that one for our own situation, but we never look at what we can do ourselves to resolve our condition. For example, we have a situation today where 70% of black babies are born out of wedlock. These babies are statistically, less likely to succeed and more likely to be poor than babies born to a married couple. They are less likely to go to college. They are more likely to be poor. Yet we demand endless government programs to resolve something which can, in actual fact, be resolved by simply following biblical values and abandoning leftist "values" promoted in large part by social workers, psychologists and psychiatrists. The anything goes culture, where a girl is "sexually free" to have sex with however many guys she wants is not the right path. The idea, avidly promoted by many so-called mental health professionals, that teenagers have the right to explore their sexual barriers free from any sort of parental morality is in actual fact, not good for the black community and does not lead to good mental health.
We look at the poor state of our communities, we are angry about our representation, but what do we do? We vote for the liberals, the same people who introduced these destructive ideas into our community in the first place. We fight the conservatives who promote solutions that really will help resolve the issues that we are facing. But we can't accept the ideas because it comes from "racist" Republicans, despite the fact that a higher number of Republicans voted for the civil rights act than Democrats. Despite the fact that the leftist ideas, that the Democratic party avidly promotes, have only harmed the black community.
And then our so called leaders, instead of confronting real issues in our community, such as the appalling number of black men in prison, the out of wedlock births or the large number of our young people on drugs, spend endless amounts of time blaming Jews, White people, Republicans or the government. And this is completely counter-productive and a waste of time. That energy needs to be focused on taking advantage of the programs that we already have and working to put back together the black family for starters. We need to work to instill moral values in our young people. We should demand that instead of children studying the latest anything goes philosophy from some leftist psychologist, who says that parents should not "repress" children by disciplining them, they should spend that time becoming more familiar with religious moral values, starting with the ten commandments. Instead of teaching them deviant sexuality in school, how about teaching them how to take care of children and hold together a family. Teach them the value of saving sex for a committed relationship. It is funny, so many children know everything about abortion, they know about homosexuality, they know various sexual positions. They know that it is "normal" to have lots of sexual partners. But they don't know the basics of taking care of children. They don't know the slightest bit about maintaining a successful relationship. They can't get a job because they read way below grade level. The are behind grade level in their other subjects. Why aren't the succeeding? Because most black children go to absolutely awful schools, staffed by, for the most part, inadequate teachers that have no fear of being fired because of teachers unions which are the biggest thing that prevents change in the education system. Yet election after election, blacks vote for Democrats, the very same people that support these failing teachers and this situation that keeps us down. These Democrats and our so-called Black leaders are constant opponents of things, such as school choice, which would help children move out of these failing schools and get a real education. Yet the black community votes for politicians that are against this time and time again.
And the Jews? Some of them do the same thing. From some on the Israeli right, I hear constant noises about the Arabs. The Arabs this and the Arabs that. The Arabs are responsible for everything bad that his happening. Blah, blah, blah. And yet, I hear a curious silence when it comes to the actions of the anti-Zionist Jews, like George Soros who are actually worse, in my book, than some of the Muslim anti-Semites like Louis Farrakhan. Farrakhan is not generally believed, but Soros, who has much of the same point of view, vis-a-vis Israel as Farrakhan, is believed. And there is the matter of money, Soros is a billionaire, yet Farrakhan lives off handouts from the Muslim world. I could go on and on for pages about this. The biggest thing that Jews are not facing is the fact that they think that they are only in a war against the Palestinians, when in fact, while they are in a war against Hamas and other Palestinian terrorist groups, they are also in a war against the anti-Zionist Jews and self-hating Jews in their midst. And frankly the former war would have long since been won and be over if it weren't for this second, civil war, the war of ideas within the Jewish community. The war between Jews who want to live and Jews who want to die. Of Jews who love Israel, and of Jews, like Soros, who would be happy or wouldn't care if it were destroyed. That is the biggest war they are fighting, yet the Israeli right doesn't focus anywhere near enough on this war. This has gotten so crazy that a Jewish professor in Israel, in Tel Aviv university, openly consorts with neo-Nazis and spreads Nazi propoganda, yet he continues to be funded by the state and keeps his position teaching. The only word for this is insane and suicidal. Yet all we hear about is the Arabs. Yes., there are some Arabs who are bad, as I have amply described in my many posts on the subject. But as I have also said, there are many wonderful Arab people, the majority are in fact good people and I'm sure would be peaceful if they weren't raised with such religious and racial hatred towards other people. Even with all of that propoganda, you do have people who reject it. The statement by some on the right, that all Arabs are bad, is just frankly false and non-productive. You can blame other groups forever, but sometimes it is necessary, when resolving a situation, to also look at your own group and handle people within it as well.
So,the blame game, whatever you are blaming, may feel good, but in the long run it doesn't lead to an actual resolution of the situation. The only real way to solve these kinds of problems is to look at what you can do to resolve problems that you run into and work towards a resolution, instead of simply blaming other people or other groups.
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